Getting paid your worth is an important factor when it comes to job satisfaction. The fear of self-doubt is one of the biggest factors that is stopping individuals from taking full control of their careers.
Salary discussions can be tricky, you don’t want to oversell or undersell yourself but have a balance, however a good pitch combined with good preparation will increase your chances of success.
The main factors when it comes to securing yourself a pay rise is showcasing your contribution to the organisation and building a compelling case to back up your ask.
Here are some tips that can help you secure that next pay rise at work.
1. Research your worth

Do your research about what kind of compensations are being offered in the industry. You can do this by looking up similar jobs in the industry and what pay they are offering as well as search salary information online which can give you a deeper understanding into the trends and other perks being offered in the industry.

2. Always give a range
If your employer asks to propose a salary, remember that rather than having a set figure it is always best to give a range. Which will give you a chance to renegotiate if the employer’s offer is below your expectation.

3. Be Realistic
It may be tempting to ask for the highest salary possible, but its important to be realistic with your expectations as having an above market salary could lead you to loosing opportunities as well as pricing yourself out of the job market altogether.

4. Pick the right time
If you’re interviewing for a new role, it is important to remember the right time to bring up your desired pay range. This should be only done after you have shown that you are a suitable candidate for the position however do it before you sign your employment contract if you land the position.