Interested in making a difference to Office Support Professionals in Queensland? Consider volunteering on the Office Support Enrichment Committee (OSEC).
As part of your BBC Membership you are eligible to apply for a vacancy on the OSEC. The Office Support Enrichment Committee exists to facilitate mentoring, networking, sharing of knowledge, events and professional growth for office support staff.
Committee Members provide general support to OSEC activities including sub‐committees. They participate in meetings and provide comments and feedback on OSEC plans and may take on specific project roles as deemed appropriate by OSEC, based on specific skill sets or time availability.
Criteria for Committee Membership
- Be a current member of the BBC.
- Essential: Willingness and desire to be a team player.
- Desirable: Experience with volunteer committees.
- Be willing and able to make a significant contribution of time during their tenure.
While the number of formal meetings may not be more than 12 each year, committee members will need to dedicate of considerable periods of time to attend events and consult with Windsor Group staff and other committee members. Time required is approximately 2-4 hours per month.
How to Apply
To nominate, please send your application form (download link below) and CV/resume to the Chair, Annette Rafter at